Orange Fab

Orange Fab is the Orange acceleration program for entrepreneurs and founders of high-potential startups.

It is part of the 4 components of the Orange Digital Center Cameroon program, namely: the Coding School, the solidarity FabLab, Orange Fab and the Orange Ventures investment fund

It offers promising startups a contribution to the development of their activities.

Start-up benefit from managerial support throughout the acceleration period, the expertise of internal and external mentors, funding thanks to Orange Digital Ventures Africa and access to workspace specifically dedicated to start-ups at Orange Digital Center.

It also allows them to develop national and international commercial partnerships with Orange Cameroon or several Orange Group entities.

7 Start-up have benefited already of the acceleration program: 

Waspito (E-health )

Clinic Agro (E-Agriculture)

OuiCare ( E-Health)

Koree (Fintech)

SmartCode (E-Transport)

Djangolo (E-Agriculture)

Colorfol (E-Entertainment)

Orange Fab also offers a fantastic gateway to access to funding from the Orange Ventures and Digital Africa investment funds.