Orange Botswana Employees Plant 100 Trees Along Segoditshane Road in Gaborone for World Environment Day
mardi, juin 18, 2024

In celebration of World Environment Day, Orange Botswana employees took part in a significant environmental initiative by planting 100 palm trees along Segoditshane Road in Gaborone.

This effort is part of their "Engage for Change" initiative, highlighting the company's dedication to environmental conservation and community enhancement.

The tree-planting activity not only commemorates World Environment Day but also aligns with Orange Botswana's ongoing commitment to sustainable practices and improving urban landscapes. By planting these trees, the employees aim to beautify the area and contribute to the city's green infrastructure, fostering a healthier environment for residents and future generations.

This initiative reflects Orange Botswana's broader corporate social responsibility goals, which focuses on environmental stewardship and community development. Through actions like these, the company demonstrates its role as a proactive and responsible corporate citizen, encouraging other organizations and individuals t19o participate in similar efforts to protect and improve our environment.

Orange Botswana's tree-planting event is a testament to the power of collective action in addressing environmental challenges and enhancing the quality of life in local communities.