POESAM: Orange Social Entrepreneur Prize in Africa and the Middle East

The Orange Social Entrepreneur Prize in Africa and the Middle East (POESAM) rewards each year the best technological projects with a social and/or environmental impact.

Since 2011, POESAM has supported innovative projects based on ICT which make it possible to improve the living conditions of populations in areas such as education, health, agriculture, culture, commerce, etc.

Through POESAM, Orange reaffirms its commitment to entrepreneurs making a positive impact in Africa and the Middle East.

POESAM is aimed at any student, employee, or entrepreneur over 21 years old, whose initiative is less than 3 years old.

#National phase

·       Call for applications

·       Evaluation of submitted files and selection of finalists

·       Preparation and coaching of finalists

·       Pitch of the finalists during a ceremony in front of a jury and announcement of the 3 Liberian winners

#International phase:

The 3 Liberia winners advance to the international phase, to compete with the 51 winners from other countries in Africa and the Middle East in which the Orange Group is present.

All finalists, both national and international, benefit from personalized support provided by entrepreneurship professionals

Liberia present on the international podium

·       2018: Top 10 finalist: AgriWATTS

·       2019: 2nd prize: J-Palm Liberia sets up and operates mini palm oil processing plants in rural areas. This has increased palm oil extraction rates by 50% while reducing processing time, to improve the incomes of smallholders.