Coding School

A Pioneering Initiative in Free Coding Education

Launched on October 5th, 2022, The Coding School by Orange stands as Liberia's first tuition-free program offering comprehensive training courses in coding languages. In collaboration with Kwagei Group Inc., the academy has embarked on an ambitious mission to equip Liberian youth with the digital skills critical for success in the 21st-century job market.

Rigorous Selection Ensures Quality

Students are selected to join the program through a competitive process, guaranteeing a high caliber of participants within each cohort. This focus on excellence has yielded impressive results. Since its inception, the Coding School has empowered over 650 students, a testament to the effectiveness of its teaching methods, curriculum, and dedicated faculty.

Expanding Reach, Expanding Opportunity

Recognizing the importance of inclusivity, The Coding School by Orange has extended its reach beyond the capital city. By establishing a branch at the ODC Cuttington University Club in Gbarnga, Bong County, the school is ensuring greater accessibility to coding education across Liberia. This expansion allows more young people to participate in this transformative program and propel Liberia's digital future.

The Coding School by Orange: Shaping Liberia's Tech Landscape

The Coding School by Orange is a remarkable initiative that is rapidly transforming Liberia's tech landscape. By providing free, world-class coding education, the program is nurturing a generation of skilled professionals who will drive innovation and growth in the digital age.