Women entrepreneurs marketplace event
Tuesday, April 2, 2024

On March 30, 2024, UN Women and Orange Foundation concluded International Women's month with a market day event highlighting women entrepreneurs' significant economic contribution. 
Speaking at that event was Mrs. Uomah Brown Witherspoon, Orange Foundation Senior Manager. Below is an excerpt of her speech: 

"Partnership between UN Women and Orange Liberia has a significant history dating as far back to 2017. Throughout the years we have collaborated on several initiatives aimed at empowering women.
To mention a few, we started by….
1. Enabling women to become Orange Money Agents, by establishing Orange Money Kiosks, thereby creating employment opportunities.
2. We also support Women Digital Centers and currently have one in Bong County and another in Grand Bassa County to provide women with access to digital literacy and skills development with the third to be launched in May of this year.
3. We are also Providing capacity building for women in Orange Energy, including the provision of solar products and equipment. And lastly,
4. Facilitating access to information, finance, and markets for women through the Buy from Women digital platform.

Here we are today under this Partnership celebrating this marketplace event; today’s Event is aimed at empowering local female entrepreneurs by providing a platform to showcase and sell their products and services.

Thanks again to the Organizing Committee for a wonderful event."