The SuperCodeurs educational program

SuperCoders is an educational program launched by Orange, and which is namely active within the Orange Digital Center network. 

Our aim? To introduce children and teenagers (aged 7 to 18) to computer programming and digital topics in a fun and educational way. The participants are guided by facilitators through interactive workshops and hands-on activities, fostering the development of essential skills in computer science and computational thinking. 

SuperCoders encourages creativity, collaboration and problem-solving, while raising young people's awareness of the challenges of the digital world. The program aims to train the next generation of competent and responsible digital citizens, ready to engage in an increasingly connected society.

The program is divided into different workshops, depending on the theme.

For example, one can take part in SuperCodeurs workshops on :

These programs can last from  a few hours, to introduce young coders to a particular discipline, up to a few days, with deliverables such as a video game. They can also take the form of a national competition, with young people from all regions of the same country selected and competing against each other.)

Find out more about the program in this competition video :