Orange Digital Center (ODC)

Orange Digital Center is an ecosystem free and open to all, providing in a single location support, training and mentoring for young people and innovators, to support their employability and prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow, or to encourage them to become digital entrepreneurs.

The Orange Digital Center programs are : 

§  The Coding School : a free, fully-accessible technology center offering training and events for the community of young developers, geeks and people with project ideas. It is particularly aimed at young people (students, young graduates, school drop-outs, etc.) and project idea holders

§  The Solidarity Fablab : a digital manufacturing workshop for creating and prototyping with digital equipment: 3D printers, milling machines, laser cutters.... it brings together unemployed youth without qualifications and students, young graduates and young entrepreneurs.

§  Orange Fab : a start-up accelarator that supports entrepreneurs in the commercial development of their start-ups. Its aim is to build commercial partnerships between start-ups and Orange entities, both nationally and internationally through the Orange Group and the international network of Orange Fabs.

§  Orange Ventures Middle East & Africa : an investment fund that finances the most promising start-ups in Africa and the Middle East (fintech, e-health, energy, edutech, govtech)

Orange Digital Center in numbers:

-        16 operational ODCs in Africa and the Middle East, 1 in France and 5 in Europe to form a network of 25 ODCs by the end of 2023

-        226 startups have been supported, resulting in the development of their business and the signing of commercial contracts with Orange or its partners

-        20 startups financed by Orange Ventures in Africa and the Middle East

The Orange Digital Center network in Africa, the Middle East and Europe
The Orange Digital Center network in Africa, the Middle East and Europe

The Orange Digital Centers network in Africa and the Middle East

Burkina FasoMadagascar
Cote d'IvoireMorroco
Egypt Central African Republic (coming soon)
Guinea Bissau Democratic Republic of Congo
Guinea ConakrySenegal
JordanSierra Leone

The Orange Digital Centers network in Europe


Operating as a network, the centers will encourage exchanges of experience and expertise from one country to another and between the 2 continents, and offer a simple, inclusive approach to boosting young people's employability, encouraging innovative entrepreneurship and promoting the local digital environment.