Our commitment to the environment: Contribute to achieving the Group's ‘Net Zero Carbon’ objective by 2040

Our Lead The Future_ strategic plan reaffirms our strong commitments to the environment, and mitigating the impact of our activities is a major challenge in a context where the number of physical sites on our mobile networks in the MEA region will double between 2015 and 2025, with data traffic increasing more than 75 times in 10 years.

1- Carbon emissions and energy consumption

We have made considerable progress in measuring our scope 1 (direct greenhouse gas emissions, in particular CO2) and our scope 2 (the company's indirect emissions and those linked to energy) and in modelling our trajectories.

The subject of our indirect emissions upstream (suppliers and service providers) and downstream (customers), which are therefore not under the direct control of the company (scope 3), also needs to be developed across the Group to become an operational reality. The Group has a target of -14% in 2025 compared with 2018 and a target of -45% in 2030 compared with 2020 for the 3 scopes.

By 2025, the Group aims to use 50% renewable energy. Concerning OMEA, we were at almost 33% at the end of 2023 and we are working to improve this proportion.

2- Circular economy

 Since 2010, Orange has teamed up with Emmaüs International and Ateliers du bocage, a social and solidarity-based employment company, to open cell phone waste collection workshops in Africa.

In the absence of effective local recycling channels, the waste collected is consolidated and then sent back to France to be recycled in accordance with European environmental standards.

Open in five countries (Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast), these workshops made it possible to collect and recycle the equivalent of more than 2 million cell phones, while creating jobs.

This system helps us achieve our ambition of collecting at least the equivalent of 20% of all cell phones sold in Africa and the Middle East each year by 2025.

In terms of reconditioning, we reached a significant milestone in 2023 with the signing of a strategic partnership with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) to establish a state-of-the-art plant in Egypt dedicated to the reconditioning of electronic devices. This project supports our objective of reducing the environmental impact associated with the life cycle of technological products, while helping to create local jobs and train specialists in the field.

3- Initiatives by subsidiaries

The challenges we face to preserve the planet are colossal, but together we can take concrete actions in each country to complement all the actions included in our strategic plans and carried out by our operational teams.

Participating in reforestation or space cleaning projects is not just planting trees or remediating sites, it is sowing hope for a sustainable and harmonious future for generations to come, often with a strong social impact for local communities (job creation, income generation). , awareness of environmental issues, etc.).

Every tree we plant today is a breath of fresh air for tomorrow, and every action counts to make our environment cleaner and healthier, whether it's picking up trash, raising awareness about the importance of recycling, reduce our carbon footprint, etc.

In 2023, more than 100,000 trees have been planted and nearly 1,000 employees involved.

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omea reboisement


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