Day of the Africa Child 2024
vendredi, 19 juillet 2024

The Day of the African Child is observed every year on June 16th. It is a significant event, and its goal is to bring awareness to a continuing issue hindering the education of African children.

Commemoration: It honors the students who bravely protested for better education in South Africa's Soweto Uprising of 1976. Many young people tragically lost their lives on that day.

Raising Awareness: It highlights the ongoing need for improvement in the education system for African children.

Since the OAU Resolution 1240, the observation of the Day of the African Child has taken on wider perspectives. For some, it is a cause for celebration and an opportunity to report on progress made on the promises that were made to Africa’s Children at the World Summit in 1990 and again at the UN Special Session for Children in 2002. For others, it is a time for serious and critical reflection on hardships experienced by the African continent's youngest and most vulnerable citizens. (ACERWF 2024)

Orange Foundation supports the Ministry of Gender for “The Day of the African Child” Participants’ Educational & Recreational Activities. Total amount donated of $ 564,683.36 LD.

Participants at the MOGCSP - DAC indoor event
Participants at the MOGCSP - DAC indoor event
Orange Foundation Team with beneficiaries
Orange Foundation Team with beneficiaries