Orange Jordan Issued ESG Report for the Year 2023
lundi, 22 juillet 2024

In order to promote sustainable development and address Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) aspects, Orange Jordan recently released the second edition of its ESG report for the year 2023. This new edition highlights Orange Jordan’s commitment towards the environment, and its strong sense of CSR engagement with the society through various sustainable projects, which create a positive impact on business.

This edition also provides a detailed explanation of the unit projects over the last year, a review of Orange Jordan’s strategic goals aligned with the Group strategy “Lead the Future”, and CSR initiatives that have empowered women, youth, and people with disabilities to transform their lives and communities, with tangible outcomes through different milestones and success stories.

Our corporate governance structure and systems enable us to overcome any future challenges, ensuring sustainability and maintaining our leadership position in the telecommunications market. We strongly believe in our employees as they are the real asset and the backbone of our achievements. Our great impact towards the environment is evident in the 2023 ESG report, as we adhere to the Group's strategy to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2040.

The ESG report is available on Orange Jordan’s website to meet Amman Stock Exchange requirements and highlight the recent landmarks of Orange Jordan, in addition, to inspiring others through our story of excellence and long history of achievements, led by the vision of the global brand which is empowered by the local spirit.