The Orange Social Venture Prize in Africa and the Middle East (OSVP)

Since its creation in 2011, the Orange Prize for Social Venture Prize in Africa and Middle East (OSVP) has established itself as a major initiative to encourage and support innovative start-ups that address current and future social and environmental needs. The competition recognises and rewards solid and viable project proposals capable of catalysing real change in society.

Encouraging innovation and a positive entrepreneurial spirit

The OSVP not only promotes technological innovation, it also celebrates the positive entrepreneurial spirit of dynamic start-ups. This international competition welcomes start-ups from 17 countries in Africa and the Middle East. It aims to identify, reward and support projects with a positive social and environmental impact.

Key stages

National phase (February to August):

  1. Application period for Start-ups (February to end of May)
  2. Evaluation of projects by employee volunteers
  3. Application via the #OrangeEngageforChange platform (May to August)
  4. Designation of the national winners by the National Jury made up of Orange experts and personalities from the local ecosystem (End of August)

International phase (September to end October)

  1. Evaluation and selection of finalists for the international prize by volunteer evaluators Orange (Corporate)
  2. International Prize Grand Jury made up of influential figures from the tech world in Africa and the Middle East to select the international winners.
  3. International awards ceremony (end of October)

OSVP Awards

International Grand Prix :

• 1st prize: €25,000

• 2nd prize: €15,000

• 3rd prize: €10,000

The 10 finalists in the OSVP International Grand Prix and the winner of the International Women's Prize also benefit from business development support.

International Women's Prize : For sustainable, responsible and inclusive development

Women's entrepreneurship is a powerful lever for economic development in every country in the world, and a major factor in the fight against gender inequality.

This prize recognises economic initiatives led by women entrepreneurs. The International Women's Prize offers a €20,000 prize, as well as business and technical support. Winner: €20,000

A lasting impact for a bright future

The OSVP represents an exceptional opportunity for start-ups to develop and amplify their positive impact on society. By recognising and supporting innovative initiatives, this award actively contributes to building a more sustainable and equitable future.

We invite you to discover and support the inspiring OSVP projects, because together we can turn ideas into concrete action for a better world.

And the winners of OSVP 2023 are...