Launch of Mboka Digital with ODC
dimanche, juillet 23, 2023

Orange Digital Center and Les Jeunes Blogueurs RDC have officially launched Mboka Digital, an activity that :

-Informs young people about important digital issues and opportunities by using the "Mboka digital" platform to organise discussions with players in the digital sector.

-Connects young people with experts in the digital sector to strengthen their

-knowledge and their ability to contribute to the development of the digital sector in the DRC.

-Digitalise young people by boosting their employability and enabling them to develop digital skills through their active participation in the "MbokaDigital" platform.

Mboka Digital is a forum for exchanges between DRC digital players and young people on digital-related topics. It takes place every last weekend of the month, face-to-face with more than 80 young people at the Orange Digital Centre in Kinshasa and online on the Orange and Jeunes Blogueurs RDC communication platforms.

The third edition of this monthly meeting of digital enthusiasts and young people in the DRC, to discuss digital issues and co-create solutions, took place on Friday 23 June on the theme: "The impact of false information online on health".